I will be posting gospel prayers that I have written, hoping they will be helpful to people. These come out of my own prayer and my own life. Enjoy

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Have you ever been "haunted"? Sometimes we get spooked when we notice something out of the corner of our eye that disappears when we turn to look. Sometimes we dream about one of our deceased loved ones or feel their presence. Sometimes we just can't get over being devastated about someone's death, even many years later. We experience the presence of the deceased of the world in many ways. In the Catholic faith (although not in all Christian religions) we encourage each other to pray for the dead. This is especially true when someone dies suddenly, or dies young, or has unfinished business in some way. When I pray I imagine that there's a path of light that goes from me to God. The dead I pray for find their way back home to God on this path. I send them with my love and forgiveness back to their first home.
So when you're thinking about someone who's died, or when some disaster appears on the news, or even when you feel "haunted", pray for the dead. It will help them a lot.