I will be posting gospel prayers that I have written, hoping they will be helpful to people. These come out of my own prayer and my own life. Enjoy

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Prayer on the Lake

This is a good prayer when you are dealing with emotional turmoil, current or past.

Read Mark 6:45-52 and Matthew 14:22-33 with their parallel passages if you wish. Draw a storm over a lake in your journal or notebook.

Have you had moments of stormy seas in your life? How are your particular stormy moments reflected in your drawing?

Imagine the stormy sea of Mark's gospel, feeling all of the anxiety and fear that you have inside. You could be one of the apostles in the boat. Converse with Jesus, like they did, from your own panic. Imagine how Jesus responds to you. Then you can write your conversation.

Imagine the stormy sea of Matthew's gospel. Imagine how Peter was invited to step out of the boat toward Jesus in the storm. Here Jesus doesn't just calm the storm but invites Peter to faith and trust in the middle of the storm. Converse with Jesus, imagining how he responds. Then write your conversation.

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