I will be posting gospel prayers that I have written, hoping they will be helpful to people. These come out of my own prayer and my own life. Enjoy

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Praying in Gethsemani

Here's a way to unite your Gethsemani moments with that of Jesus.

Read Matthew 26:36-46.

Read and reflect on this story about Martin Luther King: "Martin Luther King went to bed one night after a long day of work. As he was falling asleep the telephone rang. The caller said to him: "Listen, Negro; we're fed up with you. Before the week is over you'll be sorry that you came to Montgomery." King hung up the telephone and all of his fears suddenly started assaulting him. His courage left him and he began to feel bad. He got up and started pacing in his bedroom. He went to the kitchen, made some coffee, poured himself a cup and began to pray. The words of his prayer were something like these: "Father, I believe that what I am doing is well done; but now I'm afraid, very afraid. The people depend on my leadership. If I lose strength and valor, they will begin to feel afraid. I don't know what to do. I can't handle this responsibility by7 myself." "At that moment," said King later, "I felt the divine presence like I had never experienced it before."

Draw a beautiful place where you might pass a night in anguish.

What does your drawing reveal about your particular anguish? What does it reveal about the strength you find in yourself and the support you find around you?

Have you had anguished moments like those of Jesus? Have you ever suffered over a decision, a doubt, some resistance or loneliness? Have you had to deal with attacks from other persons? How were you wrestling with God's will? What mission was it that you didn't want to accept from God? Reflect on these moments.

Pray with a cup or chalice filled with wine, mixing in your struggles, problems, sufferings and anguish. Pray that God transform your suffering in the same way that Jesus rose from the dead.

Pray in a position that expresses your anguish. Converse with God. Tell God "no!" as many times as you need, turning over to God all that you feel. Stay in your anguish without trying to distract yourself from it. Wait till your "yes!" is born within.

Pray this prayer of Charles de Foucauld:Father, I abandon myself into your hands; do with me what you will. Whatever you may do, I thank you: I am ready for all, I accept all. Let only your will be done in me, and in all your creatures. I wish no more than this, O Lord. Into your hands I commend my soul; I offer it to you with all the love of my heart, for I love you, Lord, and so need to give myself, to surrender myself into your hands, without reserve, and with boundless confidence, for youare my Father.

Write about what God did during your prayer.

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